Public News

Sept. 16, 2013

Exhibition « Reveal and present the metropolitan landscapes » at the Parc de Bagatelle

The exhibition « Reveal and present the metropolitan landscapes » at the Parc de Bagatelle is an overview of the thoughts and works about the specificity of the geomorphology of the Bassin Parisien. During the Summer workshop 2012, five teams of students and young skilled-workers from seventeen countries have tackled the question oh (...)

The exhibition "Reveal and present the metropolitan landscapes" at the Parc de Bagatelle is an overview of the thoughts and works about the specificity of the geomorphology of the Bassin Parisien. During the Summer workshop 2012, five teams of students and young skilled-workers from seventeen countries have tackled the question oh the metropolitan beauty .

Rivers, mounds, plateaus give structure to Paris ; historic monuments, major roads and railways, and landmarks used to be based on this topography. Nowadays, the geography of Paris seems to have been erased and the reliefs and specific characteristics of the component areas are masked by a generic urbanization. How to give a strong visual identity for the Paris metropolis ? What new benchmarks are to be created in our everyday landscape to return its specificity ? How urbanism and architecture can highlight the subtle relief of our region ? How to redefine the role of public, private and individual initiatives in the making of metropolitan landscape ?
The exhibition at the Parc de Bagatelle invites you to discover the proposals of international teams, and also to participate in redefining a strong identity for the Parisian metropolis.

Parc de Bagatelle
Château de Bagatelle / Galerie côté Seine, part 3 / Route de
Sèvres à Neuilly / 75016 Paris
From June, 11th, 2013 to November,3rd, 2013
Opening hours :
May, 1st - September 30th : 9h30 - 20h
From October, 1st : 9h30 - 18h30
Charge for entry to the Parc : 5,50 € full fare / 2,75 €
discount fare
Free entrance to the exhibition

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