Cergy 2012 France Paris-Cergy workshops

Metropolitan Landscape

Revealing Metropolitan Landscapes
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For our 2012 summer atelier, and to celebrate our thirtiest workshop, we have chosen a difficult and unusual topic : how to reveal and to stage the large landscape, i.e. that of our metropolitan areas and, more specifically, of Greater Paris. We propose a deliberately unconventional VISUAL and IMAGE-BASED perspective on issues facing large cities, such as transport, the economy and housing. These issues have to be addressed, of course, but when dealt with separately they result in the frustration of not being able to understand what is VISIBLE. The mere juxtaposition of developed plots of land linked together by transport networks causes this frustration, which cannot be remedied by discourses on the functional value of a great capital city. Where is the geographical dimension ? How does it relate to the urban fabric, its structure and areas of plant life ? What are the icons of a 21st century metropolis that allow it to explore fully the development possibilities open to an area that extends well beyond its historic centre and in which the great monuments of the future will be located ? To celebrate their 30th anniversary, the Ateliers thus wish to turn the spotlight on THE GREAT URBAN LANDSCAPE, i.e. the landscape that the passers-by and inhabitants of the metropolis EXPERIENCE EVERYDAY and which can be said does not enhance "THE VALUE OF THE CITY". So what is missing ? What CREATIVE AUDACITY will allow us to tame and admire the components that make up the "pieces of city" of today ? How can we put them together and renew them to produce the metropolitan landscapes of tomorrow ?

During five weeks, 30 international participants with different backgrounds, take up the challenge of revealing the daily landscape of metropolitan areas in front of influential decision-makers and urban professionals from the Paris area, as well as from ten other big metropolises.


Pilote : Bertrand Warnier, architecte urbaniste

Co-pilotage : Jean-Noël Capart, paysagiste urbaniste

Assistante-pilote : Caroline Motta, urbaniste

Stagiaires : Simon Brochard, Léa Morfoisse

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