Public News

Oct. 19, 2022

Cape Town: two online roundtable to dive into the capetownian space

Two online roundtables gathering local stakeholders, international experts and the worshop participants are organized on 19 and 26 October 2022, in order to understand the South African context and to present the local dynamics. Register to attend and have a look on the podcasts!

These two roundtables are part of preparatory work for the international workshop in Cape Town: "Enabling's Cape Town's Dream of Hope - Working together to turn urban planning into a reality"

Here is the programme :

Roundtable 1: Working with the legacy of inequalities
Wednesday, 19 October 2022
from 12:00 to 2:00PM (Cape Town time, UTC+2)

Thirty years after its end, the footprint of Apartheid spatial planning is still very present in Cape Town. What are the factors making the inequalities challenge still as strong in the City? What have been the different approaches from the local authorities and what are the current strategies led by the City of Cape Town?

with the participation of
Fadly Isaacs, Architect and lecturer, University of Cape Town
Justin Paul Visagie, Economist and researcher, Human Sciences Research Council
Nigel Titus, Manager: District Planning and Mechanisms - Urban Planning and Design, City of Cape Town

Have a look on the online podcast (for members)

Roundtable 2: Philippi, keys for the future
Wednesday, 26 October 2022

Philippi is one of Cape Town's poorest neighbourhoods. It has also been at the center of public policy attention, and is intended to emerge as a metropolitan node in the city. What initiatives can be found in Philippi and what are the factors for success and failure? What are the assets and challenges of the area?

with the participation of
Mercy Brown-Luthango, Sociologist, African Centre for Cities / University of Cape Town
Lorraine Nzimande, Senior Professional Officer: Urban Catalytic Investment, City of Cape Town
Andrew Harris, Manager: Public Transport Implementation and Partnerships, Transport Infrastructure Implementation, City of Cape Town
Bushra Razack, CEO of the Philippi Village
Egbert Wessels, Manager of the Precinct Management Unit, Philippi Economic Development Initiative

Have a look on the online podcast (for members)

At the request of the City of Cape Town and with the support of the French Agency for Developpment (AFD), Les Ateliers is organizing a flash international urban planning workshop in Cape Town in order to share innovative ideas to help move towards the implementation of the City's ambitious planning policies in the Philippi area.

The workshop will take place from Saturday, the 5th of November until Wednesday, the 9th of November 2022. The workshop will gather 18 local and international experts from various disciplines, working on a voluntary basis on site.

Pilots of the workshop
Blanca Calvo, architect and urban planner, Spain / South Africa
Olawale Olusoga, architect, Nigeria

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