Public News

Nov. 25, 2020

NEWS 2020 - Online Workshop

38th international workshop from November 23rd to December 8th

Since 2019, Les Ateliers internationaux d’urbanisme de Cergy-Pontoise, with the support of all of our partners, have started a collective work to examine the social and economic value of water and landscapes in the creation of resilient metropolitan and local urban development. This ambition leads to the organization of the 38th international workshop from November 23rd to December 8th:

Moving to the flow of the River Oise :
Seeing water as source to dynamize the city (life) in Cergy-Pontoise

Because of the lockdown in France, we had to adjust the format to the specific circumstances. So the workshop will take place online.
This workshop in video conference will be a first step, a collective exercise of creativity. Then, as soon as the lockdown is over, a second step will follow, a very short workshop that will take place in Cergy-Pontoise in order to test on the field, the best ideas selected during the first part.

During 2 weeks, 24 young professionals and students, all volunteers from various part of the world and various profiles linked to sustainable city, will work in teams. They will be asked to present strategies, illustrated at various scales, for the territory on this topic, to the panel of specialists gathered for this occasion on December 8th.

Those exchanges and debate between the panel and the participants will help identify the most innovative, creative and relevant ideas proposed by the teams of participants, and which will deserve further work at the occasion of the second step on the field in Cergy-Pontoise.

The mission of this panel will be essential on December 8th. It will be composed of elected people, local actors, French and foreign experts, Les Ateliers partners and guests from other cities in the world and will open up a large debate on those proposed strategies and ideas.

These exchanges and debate between the panel and the participants will be chaired by Pierre-André Périssol and facilitated by both scientific pilotes of the workshop, Hanaà Msallak and Bastien Vernier.

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