Public News

Sept. 15, 2020

Participate to the Paris Region Urban Planning Workshop

“Moving to the flow of the River Oise. Seeing water as source to dynamize the city (life) in Cergy-Pontoise” The workshop will take place in Cergy-Pontoise, France From 22 November to 8 December 2020. Apply before 1st october 2020

The 38th international workshop aims to examine the social and economic value of water and landscapes in the creation of resilient metropolitan and local urban development. Shaped by the sharp twist and turns of the River Oise, the atypical territory of Cergy-Pontoise represents the ideal breeding ground for drawing the outline of a unique urban experience, a vision of the city of tomorrow.

The workshop is open to all areas of study and expertise! It is aimed at young professionals of any nationality or discipline, and students with at least a Master’s degree. Town planners, designers, architects, geographers, engineers, photographers, landscape designers, artists, journalists, etc. are welcome to apply.

Strict health and barrier measures will be implemented all along your stay with us in Cergy

Information and application:

Contact : oise@ateliers.og

  • 38e atelier francilien 2020
  • carte territoire atelier d'une rive à l'autre de l'oise